Testing ideas with denim paper

By PPA member Harriet Watts

Here are some shots of Steph and I making large A2 denim sheets at PPA recently (mid August) using the large vat and hydraulic press.

It was great fun but after a long day we concluded that it would be ideal to have twice as much pulp and use the vat over two days to make more sheets of paper to make it worthwhile.  Cleaning out the large vat is a feat.  We started with 2 full buckets (4 full beats) of denim fibre, but a lot of it is needed simply to pad the tub out, so we ended up with a full bucket at the end of the day!

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We went back in September and I finished off the denim pulp making A3 sheets.  It was great to use the hydraulic press…I love that press! It’s very easy to use if you have a second person there helping you move the heavy sheets onto it.

The A2 sheets are being used to test ideas for an exhibition piece that I’m developing.

The exhibition is called ‘Interpretations V‘ and is part of Design Made, a 3 day event opening 26th Oct in Alexandria.

I’m still working on my piece and here’s an image of the initial testing for the object.

Webmaster Note: We should have details of the exhibition coming shortly, so stay tuned.

About primrosepaperarts

Currently the Web Master for Primrose Paper Arts is Karen Miller
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